Bible Correspondence Classes

We Congratulate On Your Desire To Further Study The Bible!

We offer bible classes through the mail. After you send us your contact information, we will mail you your first lesson with a self addressed stamped envelope so you can return the lesson to us at no cost to you. There are 5 different classes available to you. We will start with a class that has general knowledge about the bible, and then the classes will increase with learning. If you have never studied the bible, or would like to start again, this is a great way to study the bible.

Fill out the form below and we will send your course by regular mail.  Be sure to include your postal mailing address with the request.

Message Sent!

Your message has been sent successfully, I hope to respond within 24 hours. You can also contact us through social media, links can be found below!


Send your request to the address below by regular mail:
39th Street Church of Christ
15331 East 39th Street
Independence, Missouri 64055


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