Our Local Works

Weekly Bulletin
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Vacation Bible School
The third full week of June is the usual date for a Monday through Friday night study with classes for all ages. This is always an enjoyable and valuable time of fellowship and study.

IBS Tracts
We have a variety of titles currently in print. These tracts are used by individuals within the congregation for their personal study and evangelistic efforts. We also have the privilege of providing the tracts to congregations throughout the area and throughout the world. If you would like to have a sample packet, contact us with your request, or you can view the tracts online on the tracts page.

Correspondence Courses
We provide study opportunities to all interested in furthering their Bible knowledge. In addition to the 18 lesson IBS Series published by us, we use several other series available to us. All use only the Bible as the text for study. If you would like to enroll for one of these courses, click here, or contact us with your request.

Spring Gospel Meeting
Each Spring, usually April – May, we host a gospel meeting which emphasizes the gospel message to those still within the world. As with our lectureship, we enlist the aid of faithful gospel preachers to present the lessons. The success of these meetings is dependent on the zealous labors and commitment of the members of the congregation.

Annual Midwest Lectures
Each year during the 3rd full week of September brethren come from throughout the United States to enjoy the fellowship of hundreds of other Christians at the Mid-West Lectures.  Over 20 faithful gospel preachers proclaim the truth of God’s Word on a variety of topics in 32 lessons during that Sunday through Thursday.  We broadcast and archive the lessons on our YouTube channel.  We have some of our past lectures on OABS.  Our prayer is that these lessons will continue to add to the growth and encouragement of souls for many years to come.

Annual 39th Street Youth Rally
We have a youth rally, the second Saturday of April and the Friday preceding. This event has allowed young people from Missouri, Kansas and Iowa and other locations to join together for a Friday and Saturday of Bible Study, games, get acquainted activities and more. Through the years much good has been done in training young people and helping them to realize the great value of forming lasting friendships with those who are seeking God first in their lives.


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